I'll show you how to be positioned as the Leader in your niche that allows you to sell effortlessly with a well-defined powerful strategy for your courses, coaching, information, consulting and service-based business.


Want to know what we're going to go through and how it works? 

closing high- ticket sales in the DM...

1 on 1 clients effortlessly without pitching anything...

No need for a sales page... 

Building 100s of loyal audience

Being able to build a profitable business not just selling courses...

Over the Past months, I've been able to help 100s of entrepreneurs stop depending on just pure hustle and luck ]

Truth is... Most entrepreneurs struggle too hard without any strategy to build a profitable online business...

And it leaves them feeling overwhelmed, tired and frustrated...

And without any freedom outside their business.


"Building a successful online business" does not have to be this difficult and complicated...

And it certainly doesn't have to feel like a punishment

You don't have to be on that hamster wheel of launching one course after another just to make profits each month...

And caught in the endless loop of doing more...and more...and more each and every month...

Because they'd only leave you overwhelmed and lead to total burnout...

I want to show you exactly how to build a successful online business with methodologies that allows you Total Freedom

Thing is, most entrepreneurs are bombarded with so much information (most of them false)

And this makes them feel like doubling their work input or staying awake for more...and more...and more hours daily or sleeping late

And even after all these efforts...

They wouldn't be able to boast of how much they have sitting in the bank

I have helped many entrepreneurs build profitable businesses where they don't have to go through launching one low-ticket course after another just to make money each month.

In fact... 

A LOT of entrepreneurs with great skills and services end up not getting any clients...

So they make the mistake of resorting to selling low-ticket courses just to make a little profit each month...

And every month, it's like a hamster wheel for them.

More stress, more confusion...

No proven framework and strategy to build a profitable business.


  • Reach out to prospects sounding needy and salesy...
  • Beg for clients to hire me...Work tirelessly to launch a new course or sell a class...
  • Spend WAY too much time in DMs trying to impress a client or sell an offer...
  • Charge WAY less for my time and services...

Later on...I'd have tons and tons of work to do and lots of sales calls...

Lots of classes to teach and programs to handle...

Leaving me with no time for myself outside my business

And even after going through this stress MONTH after MONTH most entrepreneurs cannot even boast of real time pure profits

And that's not what entrepreneurs are supposed to be experiencing...

If you and I are doing our jobs right, We don't need to create traps of stress in our business just to create profits each month

In my "5-Day Unfair Advantage program", I want to help you do this...

I created this program for Course Creators, Coaches, info-marketers, Service Providers who want to be positioned as leaders in their niches, and sell effortlessly...

By the end of this program, accross 5 days, you're going to learn 3 core important things:

1.) An action plan and strategy that you’ve developed with me, each and every one of the 5 days that we spend together. 

2.) How to Discover your unfair advantage and unique process that helps you stand out in your niche

3.) Effective Offer Creation strategies to create monthly recurring revenue and life-time value clients month after month

I’ve developed this so I can create a level of understanding, direction, clarity and certainty for your online marketing and sales.

Because, when you don't have a working methdology, framework and strategy in your online business correctly...

  • Your business is on a roller coaster each and every month....
  • You don't have time outside your business to spend with those you love doing the things you love...
  • You can't make good decisions all the time...
  • You're not certain of your profits each month (It's up and down)...
  • You're losing money each month because you can't grow...
  • You are feeling overwhelmed and stressing yourself to sell your offers each month...

And you look around and you just feel tired because you know there should be a better way to build a very profitable business that still affords you freedom to do what you love doing

I want to help you build a business that allows you a beautifully aligned & enjoyable life.

 I've helped 100s of Entrepreneurs grow and while I can't say that  I've cracked any secret code or super key strategy

I know what works. I know what doesn't. I've proven it

I've been able to experience the freedom & harmony that comes from having a business that allows me to live my life, the way I do...

And I'm excited to help you build a business that does the same too...

So, I want to get you in on the Workshop…
which right now, is just $37.

(and if you don’t like it, that’s fine, you can get a refund…)


  • You are already selling your skills, services or programs on a weekly basis
  • You want to attract the perfect clients you vibe with who can pay you what you want
  • You want to never ever look needy or apply fake scarcity to make people buy your offers
  • You want to close high-ticket effortlessly in the DMs without any sales calls
  • You want to create a business that affords you freedom and  that doesn’t need to be complex…
  • You want to sell and have people raving about your product without sounding salesy and needy

If you never want to feel overwhelmed or salesy while creating a profitable online business...

What I'll be talking about: ]

In this workshop, I’ll be going over things like this… 

  • How to instantly position yourself as an authority to prospects in any niche no matter whether they just met you "years ago" or "today".
  • How to create an authority avenue in your sales process where you sell "effortlessly" without pitching anything or looking needy in any DM or call sale.
  • How to build an army of loyal audience that sees every one of your offers as an "opportunity" instead of a sale.
  • How to indoctrinate the minds of your audience through my 4-step Audience Building process so that they begin to crave your content and your products without any salesy tactic.
  • How to attract the right clients you'd enjoy working with and make them say "yes" without much thought
  • The Art of Offer hacking that allows you to create simple high priced offers that people would crave to buy with the least resistance possible
  • How to build a simple marketing system that fetches you hot leads and allows you "total freedom" in your business
  • The 4-step sales process that has helped me create intimacy with my prospects in a way that helps them choose to work with my high-priced offers
  • Soft-handle Objections without overthinking or trying to remeber any tactic (just knowing what to say, how to say it and when to say it)
  • How to decide what platforms to be create Magnetizing contents and my framework to never run out of mesmerizing contents that consistently drive hot leads to you
  • The water fall effect in your business for ensuring you never have to worry about the next months profits
  • How to begin to attract the right audience and clients into your simple marketing funnel without any budget for ads when you're starting out
  • How to increase your prices the right way without any resistance and create step-by-step offers that create steady profits for your business
  • How to create the Moment in your marketing and sales when a prospect feels they really know you and can't stop thinking about you till they buy from you
  • How to eliminate the Mindset blocks that make you feel overwhelmed and frustrated and actually create the abundance mindset for you to build a truly profitable business
  • Implementation and tailor suited strategies to fit into your business no matter what level you're at

And honestly, a lot more…


Included in this Program, I’ll be giving you…

  1. 1
    FIVE LIVE SESSIONS that will be 90 minutes, where I'll take your business as mine and show you ALL the frameworks to build a profitable business that allows you total freedom. You'll get access to the replays the same day, so you can dive in.
  2. 2
    You will get FIVE Q&A sessions after each teaching sessions, for me to answer ALL of your questions and plenty of time with me.
  3. 3
    You will get FULL access to my New Sales Bundle I created June.
  4. 4
    Additional Bonus trainings to support the program from my other courses that cost thousands of Naira. 


Here's what to expect, if you can't make a session the replay will be available the same day!

DAY #1: I'm going to breakdown from the scratch and show you everything to put in place to build a business or a personal brand for leader positioning in your niche with your "unfair advantage"

DAY #2: Once I've broken down the principles and you understand the backbone, I'm going to show you every piece that you need to know to sell effortlessly via DM, text, status update, stories. Every "Tactic" and "strategy" that has worked insanely for me

DAY #3: I'd break down the Mindset blocks that are really stopping a lot of entrepreneurs from building a very profitable business from a point of abundance that allows them freedom to do what they love. I'd reveal the inner mechanics so you understand exactly who you need to be to achieve this

DAY #4: Here, I'd show you examples of practical conversations and scenarios and reveal to you exactly how I guided the conversation to the close

DAY #5: I’m going to ensure that you have the detailed strategy, next steps and understand the elements of implementing this successfully into your business.

Plus Replays and Templates that show you:

Exactly how to build a marketing funnel that is actually going to turn strangers into raving fans and those who will buy from you, in a way that you’ve never experienced.


It's worth at least $1,500.

Because this is what I help my 1 on 1 clients do...

Right now, it is just 1 payment of $37.

The sooner you get in, the sooner you get access to the Community & learning from me on how to do this...

Don’t like it? Within 30 days, I'll hit you up with a refund.

Plus... I'm going to help you really implement this by giving you...

  • Personalized Assessment
    At the end of the workshop, I will tell you exactly what you should do next and what makes the most sense based on where you are in your business.

  • 5 Q&A Sessions
    Allowing you to get your questions answered by me no matter how big or small the question may be giving you clarity for what you need to do next. 

  • Community-[The Offer Hackers]
    You'll get access to our exclusive Offer Hackers Community for just those who sign up for this 5-Day Workshop. You'll get to both connect with others, ask questions, along with other bonus content from me.


Check out these testimonials from my last program.



I Mentor, Advise and coach Online entrepreneurs who sell information, courses, education & services to grow profitable businesses.

After starting online markting April 2020 during the lockdown, I've had a lot of experiences, good and bad, highs and lows

I've built 3 profitable businesses past 7 figures. And I've been able to help 100s of entrepreneurs who are just starting out or experienced to build profitable businesses too

Through my content on social media and my podcasts (The Oxygen Podcast & Hustle and conquer podcast), I've been able to reach thousands of entrepreneurs to help grow their business

Today I help online entrepreneurs build proftable businesses that allow them total freedom & fun and I'm excited to help you too

(these screenshots are from those that have come accross my content...) 



Ready? You’ve got the proof… you know you need more effective marketing and sales…

And the best part?

This works no matter if you’re at $0 or $10,000/month…

I’ve helped implement this into every size of business with great success.

I know how good it feels to have the freedom in your business that you truly desire...

The sooner you get in, the sooner you'll be able to create more freedom in your business that allows you time and luxury to have fun and become your best self in life...


It's time to never feel overwhelmed and uncertain and get this before the price goes up...

plus get access to the live sessions and Q&A sessions. 

Or you can commit with Bank Transfer into any of the bank below..

First Bank


Chianu Solomon




Chianu Solomon

Then click on the link below to contact Solomon to confirm your payment