Hey, I'm Chianu Solomon.

I help Info product owners orchestrate Launches that Generate Thousands of Dollars in Revenue…

So they can get more leverage, have bigger profit margins, achieve predictable growth and increase cash flow (without spending more on Ads).

Tired of Spending Thousands of Dollars on Paid Ads

every time you run a Launch?

Email marketing is one of the easiest and most fun ways to increase the amount of money you’re making in your business.

My goal here is to give you all the Frameworks, Secret, Tools, Methods and Information you need to create thousands of dollars in revenue for yourself every time you run a Launch

So if you’ve been looking for a more cash efficient way to increase your sales and grow your business everytime you run a Launch, then read on…

Nothing is wrong

with your Launch

You're probably just:

Spending so much on paid ads; Facebook, Google, YouTube, and even while you do so, you’re still restricted to the kind of promises you could make and the kind of words you could use or your ad account gets canceled. The Algorithm might also change and your best ad then turns to your worst

You’ve tried organic traffic: and it’s just too slow and requires so much input of your time and energy to create profits for your business. Growing a decent following who would but from your business just takes so much time and it’s frustrating

You spend so much on your email automation software but your ROI is too low to even break even each month

You’re on the Hamster wheel of highs and lows each month not knowing where your next big high would come from.

You don’t have time outside your business to spend with those you love doing the things you love…because you’re busy obsessing how to make your launches work

But it's not your fault.

And here’s why:

In the past, Paid ads was like printing money. You could easily get quality leads at a cost of say $3 per head

But now everything’s changed, the cost of quality leads have now gone up to almost $21 per head…

And now more than ever it’s harder to create ads that convert well without spending a shit load of money

And these accounts can even get shut down out of the blue with zero explanations

I feel the pain and if this sounds like you, I have good news

Now here's the Solution:

You can orchestrate Launches that do thousands without relying on paid ads…

You can increase your profit margins without increasing your ad spend each month

Your business doesn’t have to rely on unpredictable and platforms anymore…

If you orchestrate your launches the right way:

You can:

Free yourself from dependency on any ad platform or marketing medium

Increase your launch margins without increasing your ad spend

Build a marketing system that works every single time to create predictable cash flow Month After Month

Increase the ROI on your email automations ASAP and even begin to create up to $5 per head in your email list

And I’m here to help you do it.

Here are the three ways I can help you

orchestrate launches that

add extra thousands of dollars

to your revenue each time to run them


Join The High Ticket Email Marketing Freelancer Coaching 3 months Program where I turn you into a high ticket email marketing manager that creates insane launch results in just 3 months

Work with me
(1 on 1)

Want me to help you write better email flows and campaigns? Let’s hop on a call here


If you love getting your hands dirty, you’d love these my ebooks and courses that teach you how to easily create insane results in your business with email.

Chianu Solomon

The Marketing Oxygen

Before we go any further,

there are a few things you should know about me:

I’ve written multiple best-selling ebooks on launches and online marketing

My products have helped over 500 students in 5+ countries improve their business

I’ve created over $300k in revenue for my clients with launch email sequence and copy in the past 10 months

I’ve built an audience of over 50k+ cross-platform with pure organic traffic and simple content who love my marketing ideas

But I didn’t get here overnight.

I have quite a captivating story…

Case Study:

How I wrote a 30-email launch sequence for a UK based writing coach last year that sold £35,000 to cold audiences and almost £20k to warm audiences on her list within 2 weeks of her launch…

YouTube Videos

Every week, I upload a new video into my YouTube channel where I share what’s working for me and my clients in planning profitable launches

Written Articles and Threads

Get the latest on what’s working right now in email marketing and copywriting through the breakdowns, strategies, and insights I share inside these threads.

Breakdown of the 30-email Launch sequence I wrote that made my client more than €50k

I wrote a 30-email launch sequence for a UK-based writing coach last year, Nov 2022…And within 2 weeks of her launch…The sequence sold £35,000 to cold audiences and almost £20k to warm audiences on her list.

How I Create Info-product Launch Email Sequences that Creates at least an extra $5k in added revenues for my Client

Rules from Nigeria’s Number 1 Email Marketer

How to use HYPE to sell $2k+ in the first 3-4 days of your Launch

This thread explains how to use Hype as a greate Marketing weapon to Launch your new or next info product.

3 Simple ways I help my clients create extra profits even after their Launch is done

how I help my clients utilise the energy they create during launches to make more profit

How I created $12,000 CAD revenue in less than 2 weeks for a Canadian fitness trainer's launch using Email Waitlists.

This thread focuses on what happened within the Waitlist and the emails I sent out to the waitlist

How To Get 2-5 Inbound Leads a Day that Buy your High Ticket Info-Product with Simple Email Marketing

If you sell a High Ticket Info-Product… Stop Wasting $3,000+ a Day on Facebook Ads & Sales Teams trying to get new customers and do this instead

How to Generate Leads, And Create Prospects Who Are Ready & Willing To Buy Your Info-products

Steal my Lead Funnel Framework I use to help my clients make $1+ per email list subscriber with Simple Lead Funnels

The Big Idea

How you can start using it to generate at least $10k+ per Launch you run

My 7-Step Launch Ladder

How you can use my 7+step Launch Ladder to create crazy results for your First OR NEXT Info- product launch

My Info Product Launch Email Sequence Framework

How I created launch sequences that did collectively over £200k for my clients in less than 7 months

How to Generate Leads, And Create Prospects Who Are Ready & Willing To Buy Your Info-products

Steal my Lead Funnel Framework I use to help my clients make $1+ per email list subscriber with Simple Lead Funnels

My 8-step Framework I use for writing Copy that does 7 Figures in Naira in less than 2 weeks

With these 8-step framework, you don’t need to spend more than 2 weeks  writing copy ever again.

The Oxygen Podcast

Game-changing Sales, Marketing and Mindset Principles for Online Entrepreneurs

Free Download

Step by Step process and secrets I have used to orchestrate Thousands of Dollar in Launches for my clients

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