“Oxide I am tired”
that’s what they tell me
Entrepreneurship is very difficult and exhausting
and I won’t even advice anyone to consider being an entrepreneur
But for the brave ones like you, that have decided to enter this whirlpool…
I have developed this passion to help them
Because entrepreneurship is not only physically exhausting, it’s emotionally exhausting too
And entrepreneurs always have a whole lot going on in their heads…
Everyday I get in touch with a lot of entrepreneurs
I really love discussing with like minds who are on the same path as I am
And during these discussions I get into…
One thing they always tell me is…I’m tired
I just feel like quitting this stuff called entrepreneurship
{!firstname_fix} I have also felt that way
If you feel that way…I’m telling you today that it’s normal
But you’ve got to keep pushing
I’ve got a secret that I use anytime I want to keep myself going
And I’ll reveal it to you today:
Instead of trying to talk myself into taking action like most entrepreneurs do
Instead of looking for motivation in pictures and speeches…
What I do is I change my mood
Yeah it’s very powerful and I feel you should try it out soon as you get the chance
Just put on a cool music and listen to it
Just think about things in your present life that you can be grateful for
Watch a nice movie you love so much that makes you laugh
Take a walk with your loved ones…your siblings or your partner
What you’re just looking to do is change your mood…feel good
Once that happens…
You’d get that energy to get going and keep moving
Stay jiggy
P.S: If you feel depressed and you need to talk to someone
Please don’t hesitate to
and don’t be shy
I have a very close friend I talk to when I feel in any way down too
Her name is Genelle