She Almost Cried

Last month something very surprising happened I organized a program on Whatsapp for entrepreneurs who were starting out like me. I felt that I needed to guide them with my very own experiences and help them avoid the mistakes I made. I put it out on my status I only put it out for 3 […]

How To Sell (Part 1)

This is the first in our lenghty 2-part email series where I’ll share sales techniques that you can use to make a lot of moeyclosing sales.. You’ll do yourself a lot of good by reading all 2 of them. See, selling is a simple, sraightforward thing… It does not require all the twists and bends […]

How To Sell (Prelude)

I know this sounds like a pretty common topic. You see, Everyone is so obsessed about sales right now many businesses out there, both small and big are now realizing that the lifeblood of their business is sales. That’s good Because, sometime ago… Selling was seen as begging. If you sold, then you were seen […]